Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Game Of Thrones


I admit... I'm not the very best blogger and I have been ignoring this site lately. Sorry --- but after finals... my days consisted of finishing Stieg Larrson's Millenium series, chilling and watching summer movies, going to San Francisco and watching my (hands down) favorite TV series ever - Game of Thrones. For those of you who have been living under a rock the past 2 months, Game of Thrones is the latest epic series from HBO. Based on the bestselling book by George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones is about different families fighting off to claim the throne. I know the premise seems kind of a cliche and boring but I watched the show not knowing what the story is about or not even seeing the trailer. Steven wanted to watch it badly and I even hesitated at first but the story and the production is mind blowing. After the first episode, I'm hooked. The beauty of it is that it did not follow the traditional storyline. Every episode you think you know what's going to happen but they take this false hope off you and they twist it and you just go "woahhh... I didn't expect that at all!"

Season 1 just ended 2 weeks ago and the ending just makes you want Season 2 to start RIGHT NOW. My favorite characters would be Arya and Ned Stark... Arya cos M. Williams is super cute and adorable and cos Sean Bean is just always perfect... and Daenerys and Khal Drogo... Their story went from OMG that'r horrible to OMG they're so cute together... Anyways... if you don't have anything to do for summer, disappointed with season 2 of spartacus and don't really have anything to do... Game of Thrones is a pretty epic show. I just ordered the 4 books and I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY HANDS OF THESE BABIES =D

Love G

I'm having Khal Drogo/Daenerys withdrawals... sigh... =(

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